Wednesday 18 July 2012

Comic-Con Envy

So it's come to that time of year again where it's impossible to pass anywhere on the internet without bumping into some mention of one convention or another. SDCC (San Diego Comic-Con, if you didn't already know), VidCon, Ascendio, LeakyCon; they're everywhere, their names just sitting on my monitor as though mocking my lack of monetary funds and all the other reasons that teenagers with no jobs or other nerdy friends don't get to go to cons. 

And to me it seemed like watching YouTube videos of all the panels from SDCC I so badly wanted to be at, would be a good idea! That totally wasn't going to make me any more jealous! Seriously though, that Firefly panel; if that was all I could have gone to I would have been an extremely happy person. Watching it just confirmed to me what I (and every other Browncoat and whatever you call fans of Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse) already knew; Joss Whedon is a freaking genius, as are all the amazing actors/writers/designers/coffee makers/shoe shiners that work on his productions. I swear every sentence that comes out of that man's mouth is a fully formed quite of awesome, sure to do the rounds on Tumblr until someone invents a more addictive, but time wasting website. Basically I want his brain.*

Other panels I watched were Community (you know, I think maybe season four will be okay after all), Game of Thrones (I'm glad that George RR Martin realises that death and boobs are the things he's most known for), The Hobbit (could that line-up have been any better?), The Big Bang Theory (a) Mayim Bialik and b) they sent someone to SPACE!) and I feel like they were more that I'm forgetting completely. I've actually found myself having conversations with people about Comic-Con as though I was there, which I should perhaps find concerning. Anyway I haven't dome this for a while...

Books read this year: 55
Current nail colour: Rimmel London Purple Addict (same again)

*If Mr Whedon or his agent are reading this and know a way to make that happen, please contact me urgently and I'm sure we can sort something out.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Obsessive Knitter

Hello, it's been a while. I'm one of those people who can't just like something; no, I have to go ahead and be entirely obsessed by whatever my new fascination is. This happens with books, TV shows, films, music, and now apparently knitting. I've been working on a few projects over the last little while including a Ravenclaw scarf (HOUSE PRIDE!), some DFTBA bunting and a golden snitch which I will put pictures of below.

If you're interested the golden snitch pattern can be found here. I have to say I'm pretty pleased with it. Do you knit? If so do you have any suggestions for new projects? If you're interested in other nerdy knits you should also take a look at this tumblr, which is awesome!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Holy Musical B@man

So Team Starkid's new musical Holy Musical B@man was released on Youtube today, much to my anticipation. And I wasn't disappointed; it was so good! I'm not saying it was better than AVPM/S because I don't think anything will ever beat the awesomeness of that. And I do prefer Darren Criss and AJ Holmes' music in the other musicals. But despite those little things, I loved it so much. And I don't even really know anything Batman (I've seen The Dark Knight?), so if that's your thing it must have been even better.

Whilst Joe Walker was a great Batman, as always Brian Holden was just more amazing than everyone else. Everytime I watch something with him in it, I then have to follow it with an hour of scrolling his Tumblr tags and reblogging every GIF of Junior with the pink sunglasses on. And the Clark Kent glasses? They should be superglued to his face. Nick Lang as Robin was fantastic; he looked so tiny that I may have started thinking he really was ten. A special mention should also go to Jaime-Lynn Beattie for having all the best outfits and Meredith Stepien because I just like her.

So yeah, go watch it;

Friday 6 April 2012

Hello internet...

So I have a blog. Again. Because I totally haven't done this loads of times before and then given up because, let's face it, who actually wants to read what I have to say. Well you do apparently; unless you're me or my parents who I've for some reason told about this because I'm insane. Anyway.

Hopefully this will be a more successful voyage into the world of blogging, and if all goes well they'll eventually be more than six posts on here soon.

(I'm going to that thing where you keep count of stuff at the end of your blog)
Books read this year: 26
Current nail colour: Rimmel London Purple Addict